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Self-Employed / Entreprenur Health Coverage

Being a business owner is hard, looking for health coverage can be too especially when most states require a minimum of 2 employees to enroll. So where does that leave self-employed, entrepreneurs and business owners with no employees?

Most states like NY, NJ, CT require 2 or more employees to enroll in a health plan and then meet a participation requirement after valid waivers (spousal, parental, veteran, Medicaid and Medicare). When that doesn't exist for solopreneurs, joining an association brings the benefits of a large group to an individual.

The plans offered are medical, life, dental, and vision insurance. They also have alot of available perks like discounted pet plans and prescription cards. Regarding the medical plans, they have networks with National PPO's with no referrals. Sure there are HMO plans too, but for the most part they are PPO. Dental and Vision are mainly PPO, with some EPO plans. Life Insurance can be guaranteed issue! So the plans are endless when joining a large group association for benefits.

Without the associations for self-employed individuals, the options become extremely limited to state exchange plans. As we always suggest, finding the right fitting plan is the most important. Checking doctors for in-network benefits is the most cost effective way to use any health plan. If you would like to know more information please contact us at anytime!

Posted Thursday, April 04 2024 7:55 PM
Tags : #insurance, #healthinsurance, #selfemployedinsurance, #insuranceforselfemployed, #entreprenur

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